Erectile dysfunction is quite common in men, but surprisingly most men do not like to talk about the issue. Men ages between 40-70 often suffer from erectile dysfunction, i.e., trouble in achieving or maintaining an erection. Most of the men assume that erectile dysfunction is a psychological problem. However, the recent studies have proved that it is most commonly a physical issue. There are several underlying causes which can result in ED such as unhealthy lifestyle, medical issues, etc. and all these can be treated with proper medication such as Tadacip. A few things will be mentioned below that you should consider about ED and your health.
- Erectile dysfunction has a lot to do with heart disease. People suffering from heart disease often complain of erectile dysfunction. It has been observed that whenever there is an unhealthy flow of blood in the body and necessary blood doesn’t reach the penis; it will cause ED. The flow of blood is controlled by the heart. Therefore ED and heart disease are connected.
- Erectile dysfunction can be an early sign that there is an underlying condition that is affecting your health. ED is a hint that you might have a serious underlying health issue such as coronary heart disease or diabetes.
- There is a close relation between ED and type 2 diabetes. The high level of sugar due to diabetes can affect the blood vessels and nerves which is necessary for erection. Various researches have proved that almost 50% of people who have diabetes also have the erectile disorder.
- Men often feel embarrassed to speak about ED, and therefore when they visit a doctor, they could not speak in detail about the various underlying issues associated along with erectile dysfunction. Many men ignore to notice a heart disease symptom such as chest pain or diabetes and high blood pressure.
- One of the good things about erectile dysfunction is that it can be reversed or prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Including lots of vegetables and fruits in your diet, regular exercising, controlling the blood pressure level, avoiding to smoke, and maintaining the cholesterol level, all these help you to improve your body’s sexual function along with the low risk of heart disease.
- There are many risks associated with erectile dysfunction, and controlling at least some of these risks will really make a difference.
All these above-mentioned tips should be taken seriously to protect yourself from ED and various other health issues related to it.