Essentially, dental veneers are thin shells that are placed over one’s teeth in order to improve appearance. These can be made from either ceramic or composite materials. Regardless of the type, dental veneers can be used to address a multitude of imperfections, such as:
-Worn enamel: This could be as a result of smoking, consuming soft drinks or just a genetic predisposition.
-Cracks, chips, and uneven spaces between teeth.
-Discoloration: Compared to whitening treatments, veneers are more effective at restoring stained teeth to their natural color.
How Much Do Veneers Cost?
Most dental procedures vary widely in pricing, and veneers are no exception. Depending on the type and fees charged by the dentist, expect to be quoted anywhere between $250 to $2,000 per tooth. This creates the need for you to compare prices on veneers, after which your final decision should be based on quality and durability of the work performed.